OFFICIAL CHANNEL ::: God is cognized not by words and logic, but by the experience of direct inner contemplation, carried out in the silence of all feelings and movements of the mind - the integral being of man. Saint ISAAC SIRIN said: "Silence is the mystery of the future age, and words are the instrument of this world." Words, both in science and in religion, are only those milestones, landmarks that indicate the direction of thought and activity, but cannot express life itself. PLAYLIST "APOLOGETICS (2019)" • 2019 (APOLOGETICS) ???? Osipov Alexey Ilyich - Russian Orthodox theologian, Honored Professor of the Moscow Theological Academy, Doctor of Theology. For a more objective assessment, it is important for us to know the opinion of everyone who watched this video ????????. Archive of lectures and books https://Alexey-Osipov.ru About the meaning of life. Is there a God and who is He? The truth of Christianity. What is Orthodoxy? Spiritual life. About love, marriage and family... __ DOWNLOAD https://alexey-osipov.ru/video/apolog... OFFICIAL SITE https://Alexey-Osipov.ru YOUTUBE https://www.youtube.com/user/osipoval... INSTAGRAM / professor_osipov VK https://vk.com/a_i_osipov FACEBOOK / aiosipov OK https://ok.ru/prof.osipov TELEGRAM https://t.me/professor_osipov VIBER https://invite.viber.com/?g2=AQAOCNM6... YANDEX ZEN https://zen.yandex.ru/id/5db9805c3480... TIKTOK / professor_osipov __ #God #time #space #knowledge #past #Bible #energy #chronos #man #eternity #body #spirit #matter #energy #mind