👉🏻 You too can have a full and meaningful life thanks to Personal Development. Sign up for free for the free training #TransformaTuVida at https://rb.gy/1juq6i In this live Sergio Fernández and Marly Kuenerz share their experience so that we can stop living on autopilot. The past conditions our unconscious and our behavior patterns, which is why living more consciously and identifying many of our actions can give us the necessary control in our lives. At Instituto Pensamiento Positivo we have the mission of disseminating and democratizing inspiration, knowledge and practical keys to personal and professional development so that people can enjoy fuller and more meaningful lives. Dare to change the course of your professional and personal life with our in-person and online training: Master of Entrepreneurs (in-person and online) https://www.masterdeemprendedores.com/ Master of Personal Development https://www.masterdedesarrollopersona... Seminar for entrepreneurs Living without a Boss (in-person and online) https://www.pensamientopositivo.org/c... Personal finance seminar Living with Abundance (in-person and online)https://www.pensamientopositivo.org/c... Living with Purpose Seminar (in-person and online) https://www.pensamientopositivo.org/s... Mastermind Entrepreneurs Club https://www.pensamientopositivo.org/m... Enjoy more than 700 entries and more than 500 videos on personal and professional development at http://www.pensamientopositivo.org Discover more practical keys and tools for entrepreneurship, personal finance and personal development on our social networks: Instagram / institutopensamientopositivo Facebook / institutopensamientopositivo Twitter / sergi_fernandez LinkedIn / positive-thinking-institute Ivoox https://www.ivoox.com/listen-to-positive-thinking