The phone number of the owner of the houses Andrey is 8 918 66 22 105 The address of the house is Golubitskaya, Novaya street, house 16, call him and perhaps he will be able to invite you to visit him for a review of his houses and land in Golubitskaya. ✅✅✅???????????? My WhatsApp +7 (928) 228 69 02 if anything write to friends, any questions, if I can, I will definitely help. You can support the channel from the bottom of your heart: by phone number +7 (928) 228 69 02 linked Sber card 4276 3000 4140 8389 But the best support is a subscription and a comment Be sure to subscribe: ✅✅✅???????????? https://dzen.ru/id/62227174955a105b44... VK https://vk.com/club211186570 Chat for communication in TELEGRAM https://t.me/zakolhoz