https://www.unir.net/derecho/master-p... The Mutualidad de la Abogacía uses its professional experience of more than 60 years to give us the keys to how to organize a law firm. Last Thursday, May 9, we were joined by Natalia Fernández Vega (Head of People & Corporate Culture) and Patricia Moraleda Blanco (Coordinator of the Mutualidad Chair), experts from the Mutualidad de la Abogacía at UNIR to explain the essentials for a correct management of time, human resources, materials and data processing in a law firm. This OpenClass is based on the need detected by students to know specific data about the day-to-day life of a lawyer and to be able to apply it together with the theory of the training received. Law, Advocacy, Master in Advocacy, Mutualidad, UNIR, Legal, Openclass, Seminar, office, organize office, office data processing, office time management, UNIR openclass, mutualidad chair