We have revised this video! Here is the new video: • The oral exam: The case-related... If you want to prepare perfectly for your IHK final exam, then visit us now at https://prozubi.de! For your exam preparation, we have hundreds of learning videos on many different exam topics and thousands of practice tasks with which you can directly test what you have learned. If you still have questions, we will be happy to help you personally in our expert chat. Our learning videos and practice tasks are based on the IHK exam catalogs and final exams. This will help you perfectly prepare for your exam! Prozubi is easily available online. You can learn with us on your smartphone, tablet or PC - whenever and wherever you want. Simply get your personal test access and get to know Prozubi: https://prozubi.de/ Visit us on Instagram: prozubi.de / prozubi.de or on Facebook: / prozubi We look forward to seeing you!