When I launch a video playback application, the images appear on the screen and sound comes out of the speakers. And at the same time my email reader alerts me of the arrival of a new message to which I can respond, by entering text on the keyboard, without having to leave my video player (which would perhaps force me to start reading again from the beginning when I will finally know how the hero will get out of it!?). How can an application interact with hardware devices? How can two applications run at the same time on a single processor? It is thanks to the operating system, an intermediate software layer between the application layer and the hardware layer, that we invite you to discover in three key concepts... This video is one of the grains of scientific and technical culture of the MOOC on Computer Science and Digital Creation https://pixees.fr?p=10744 Damien Saucez is an Inria Research Officer in the DIANA team. His research interests include information-centric networking (ICN) (e.g., routing and congestion control issues), software-defined networking (SDN) (e.g., resilience and robustness issues), and large-scale experiments. He is an active contributor to IETF and IRTF. The video was produced by Manhattan Studio Production.