The ONLY TEST you must pass before GOD GRANTS YOU the anointing and destiny Did you know that there is a unique test that all of God’s children must go through before they are anointed and reach the destiny He has prepared for them? This test is not a simple difficulty: it is deeply rooted in God’s plan and is designed to transform your heart. Many wonder why they face so many uncertainties and challenges. But what if I told you that these tests are God’s way of purifying you and preparing you for something much greater? In today’s video, we explore one of the most powerful themes of the Christian faith: the test of total obedience. Discover why God allows such profound challenges in the lives of His servants, how this fits into His sovereign will, and what God’s Word reveals about how to overcome this test with faith and victory. If you've ever wondered how to align your life with God's plan and live out God's purpose for you, this video is for you. Prepare to understand the meaning of your trials, strengthen your faith, and advance on your spiritual path like never before.