The Nightmare Before Christmas or The Strange World of Jack, as we know it in Latin America, is one of Tim Burton's most beloved franchises. For more than 20 years, fans have waited to have a new installment of this saga, which has not yet arrived. Luckily, Disney and Tokyopop have brought a new series in comic format that shows us the story of how Jack became the King of Halloween. #Disney #JackSkellington #TheStrangeWorldOfJack #SallySkellington #TheNightmareBeforeChristmas Join this channel to access its benefits: / @thecomicawakens Our Facebook: / thecomicawakens Secondary Facebook: / insidetca Follow us on Twitter: Our Tik Tok: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZM8VkKFU9/ / thecomicawakens And on Instagram: / thecomicawakens