The novel of a life... this is the new format of Kosmos. Regularly, I will present to you the life of an author, a philosopher or a writer, and we will try to understand the relationships between his life and his work. To go further (apart from the works of Nietzsche himself): Dorian Astor, Nietzsche, Gallimard, 2011 Gilles Deleuze, Nietzsche, his life, his work, PUF, 1965 Gilles Deleuze, Nietzsche and philosophy, PUF, 1962 Patrick Wotling, The philosophy of the free spirit. Introduction to Nietzsche, Flammarion, 2008 Patrick Wotling, La pensée du sous-sol, Statut et structure de la psychologie dans la philosophie de Nietzsche, PUF, 1995 Stefan Zweig, Nietzsche, Stock, 1930 Find your favorite shows in podcasts: https://shows.acast.com/kosmos To see my support in general culture and written expression: https://fabiendekosmos.wixsite.com/my... Facebook: / kosmos-106641762029199 To support the channel: https://fr.tipeee.com/kosmos/ or on Paypal: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted... Thank you all for your messages of support which always warm my heart!