Dabyl is a historical novel. Author: Shaysultan Kyzyruly The bloody war of the famous Ospan batyr, which began with the heroes Eliskhan, Yesimkhan, Ryskhan, and lasted 13 years. It tells about the events that influenced this uprising. Altai is the golden cradle of humanity. The ancestral home of the Kazakhs. The heroism of the heroes who cherished Altai, the homeland of their ancestors, and fought for the land like a seed is told. In order to widely glorify the history of the Kazakhs scattered across the globe, we have undertaken such novels. "Every Kazakh is one Kazakh." So, what path our ancestors took, what history they experienced, their heroism in preserving the generation, country, and land should be remembered in the minds of every Kazakh! #novel #historicalroman #kandytarih #dabylroman #romandabyl #altay #heroes #osparbatyr #chinesekazakhs #kandytarih