The new series of program Haft, hosted by Behrouz Afkhami, will be broadcast in the fall of 1403-26. In this program, along with critics Reza Sediq and Hossein Farah Bakhsh, we will review comedy cinema and The Count of Monte Eristo in two sections of Iranian cinema and foreign cinema. . 🎞️🎞️🎞️🎞️🎞️🎞️🎞️🎞️🎞️🎞️🎞️ #Amir_Qadri #Hamidreza_Qadri #Reza_Sadiq #Hossein_Farah_Bakhsh #conversation #interview #comedy 🎞️🎞️🎞️🎞️🎞️🎞️🎞️🎞️🎞️🎞️🎞️ / @top-persianmedia ❤️❤️❤️