The story of the world brand Chogan, originally from Milan, began a year ago, when Edita gathered a team of 1,300 members from various European countries around her in record time, who became part of her network in improving the Beauty price...Chogan is a beauty brand that has existed for 8 years. , and has over 4,000 products in its range. Their cosmetics and perfumes are inspired by famous world brands... Namely, the essences (min. 30% perfume) of the fragrances of famous world houses are vegan, more intense and long-lasting, partly due to the fact that no water or alcohol is used in the composition of Chogan. , which we all know, evaporates quickly. All products from the Chogan range are hypoallergenic, which allows them to be enjoyed even by those with the most sensitive skin and very refined senses. Also, their regularity and safety is guaranteed by BIOCERTITALIA - the highest regulatory body for the correctness of this type in Italy.