⭐️You can sign up for a "free study session" on LINE to learn the correct way to study English⭐️ ↓ https://s.lmes.jp/landing-qr/20000341... Don't know where to start? Can't keep up with your studies? Can't remember English words? If you have these kinds of worries, please come and join us! 卍(We also give away study tools!) We also have a table of grammar rules and characteristics that you absolutely must know, and a vocabulary and phrase book that is essential for improving your TOEIC score. Please follow us here too☺️卍Instagram: / english_hina X: / hina_toeic 0:00 Introduction1:57 How to use NHK Radio English Conversation7:46 STEP1 Listen to the audio without looking at the text10:44 STEP2 Check your answers using the text11:41 STEP3 Check the Japanese translation and understand the grammar14:13 STEP4 Model while looking at the text15:43 STEP5 Just keep doing it! 21:11 Level-specific explanations 24:00 Summary #Fluent #English #Self-study #Completely self-study #Vocabulary book #Grammar #Shadowing #Sys-Tan #Friday Friends #English learning method #TOEIC #Eiken #English conversation #Study abroad #No study abroad #Working holiday #Listening #Speaking #Perfect score #English grammar #English vocabulary #English study method #English learning