The most wonderful Kurdish Kibbeh-Teig (Kotlik) dough without a machine or additives, a wonderful texture ???? Ingredients: 2 cups of fine bulgur 2 cups of grits 3/4 cups of semolina 3/4 cups of water Dough spices: cumin black pepper salt very finely chopped onion with a quarter cup of water or as needed for the dough 4 kilos of meat onions Meat spices: black pepper smoked red pepper salt ginger saffron mint parsley Fein hackte Zwiebel with a fourth bowl of water or after the rope Zwiebel (4) A kilo of meat fish: black pepper Paprika powder Salt Ingwer Safran Minze Petersilie #RmzeyasKüche Instagram: rmzeyas_kueche_ Tik Tok: Rmzeyas Kitchen Facebook: Rmzeyas Kitchen ,Syrian fried kibbeh, fried kibbeh method, Syrian fried kibbeh, Chef Omar's kibbeh, my mother's kibbeh method, how to prepare fried kibbeh, Syrian kibbeh, Bab Al-Hara kibbeh, kibbeh marinade, kibbeh dough, kibbeh, i, kibbeh without a machine, kibbeh without meat, kibbeh labani, grilled kibbeh, kibbeh in Chinese, kibbeh recipe