Hadrami Sayyadiyah.. We need.. ■ 3 cups of Basmati or Mezzeh ■ 1.5 kg of Thamd tuna. ■ 2 large onions, cut into small pieces ■ Whole spices.. Lime, bay leaf, black pepper, cloves, Shibah spice. ■ 2 grated tomatoes ■ 1 tablespoon tomato paste ■ 4 tablespoons Adeni red pepper paste. ■ 1.5 liters of boiling water ■ 1 tablespoon salt ☆☆ For the Sayyadiyah marinade, we need. A whole head of garlic. 2 green hot peppers, seeded. .8 cardamom pods. 1 teaspoon cinnamon. ½ teaspoon black pepper. 1 tablespoon cumin. 1 teaspoon curry. ¼ teaspoon nutmeg. Grind them all together until they are completely ground. Set aside until ready to use. ☆☆How to prepare Sayadieh.. Put the onions in a pot on the stove and stir until they are completely dry. Then add six tablespoons of vegetable oil or olive oil and stir a little. Then add the correct spices and stir until the onions turn brown. Then add the marinade that we ground earlier and stir until the spices and garlic smell. Then add the tomato paste, grated tomatoes and Adeni red pepper paste and stir well for 5 minutes until the takshina is cooked. Then add a liter of boiling water and let the broth boil. Add the salt and stir. Then add the fish and leave it to cook for a quarter of an hour on low heat. After a quarter of an hour, remove the fish and remove two tablespoons of sauce. We put half a liter of boiling water, let it boil, add the rice and green pepper, and leave the heat on high until the rice grains appear. Then, cover the pot for 10 minutes... and while the rice is cooking, we put the fish in a plate and lightly fry it if you like the fish fried... Finally, we pour the rice and put the fish on it, and thus the best Hadrami Sayadiyah is ready. #Hadrami_Sayadiyah_Sayadiyah_