📨 You can send us a message on WhatsApp for free consultation via the link below: https://wa.me/message/D2W56I7CRWJSG1 What you will see in this video: 00:00 - An introduction to stomach problems 00:30 - Treatment methods for stomach diseases 07:15 - Relationship between stomach problems and other diseases 10:34 - Causes of stomach problems 12:28 - Eating habits 18:15 - Introduction to drinks that are beneficial and harmful to the stomach 19:24 - The harms of white sugar for the stomach 19:59 - The harms of stress for the stomach 🔴 Recommended video: • Does salt cause diabetes, blood pressure, obesity, c... Gastric reflux Gastric reflux Home treatment Sour stomach acid relief What is gastric reflux Stomach acid relief Sour stomach indigestion Stomach microbe Helicobacter Traditional medicine Temperament in traditional medicine Dr. Javid Healthy nutrition Iranian medicine Treatment of disease Healthy living with Dr. Javid dr javid healthy lifestyle Stomach pain Constipation #stomach #reflux #heartache #digestive #intestines #constipation #diarrhea #treatment #traditionalmedicine #homeremedy #Dr.Javid