Lirboyo Islamic Boarding School, which was established in 1910 AD, has made a major contribution to the movement against the Japanese and Dutch colonial invaders. One of the important figures in the history of this Islamic boarding school is KH. Mahrus Aly. Here are some moments of his struggle: Kamikaze Member: When Japan was in power, KH. Mahrus Aly became a member of Kamikaze (a soldier who dared to die) to gain knowledge from the invaders. This knowledge would later be used as provisions for the struggle against the Japanese invaders themselves. Military Training: In 1943-1944 AD, military training was held at Lirboyo Islamic Boarding School. Its main goal was to prepare Indonesia to become an independent country. Proclamation of Independence: On August 17, 1945, Bung Karno and Bung Hatta proclaimed Indonesia's independence. At that time, KH. Mahrus Aly and the Lirboyo students were enjoying Friday off. A Sudanco commander in Kediri, Major Mahfudl Abd. Rahim Pratalikama, rushed to meet KH. Mahrus Aly and delivered the news of Indonesian independence. Both of them then agreed to disarm the Dai Nippon army in Kediri. KH. Mahrus Aly is one of the heroes who never failed to devote himself to this beloved Republic. The role of the Lirboyo Islamic boarding school in the world of education and the independence struggle movement makes this Islamic boarding school worthy of being inscribed in the history books with gold ink. #lirboyo #pondoklirboyo #ningsheila #gusreza #guskautsar