Syaikhona Kholil, also known as Syekh Kholil, is a great scholar from Bangkalan, Madura. Here is some information about him: Family Origin and Education: His full name is Muhammad Kholil bin Abdul Lathif al-Bangkalani al-Maduri al-Jawi asy-Syafi'i. His father, KH Abdul Latif, is related by blood to Sunan Gunung Jati. He was educated strictly by his father and studied religion for more than 30 years. Mbah Kholil was very thirsty for knowledge, especially that related to fiqh and nahwu. Education and Travel: Mbah Kholil studied at several Islamic boarding schools, including the Langitan Islamic Boarding School in Tuban and the Cangaan Islamic Boarding School in Bangil, Pasuruan. While studying, he also studied with Kyai Nur Hasan in Sidogiri. At the age of 24, Mbah Kholil decided to go to Mecca after getting married. Karamah (Miracles): Mbah Kholil has extraordinary karamah. In one story, he cured a Chinese descendant who was paralyzed. Information about the existence of a holy person in Madura made the person come and finally recover thanks to the prayers and intercession of Mbah Kholil. Syaikhona Kholil is a figure who should be emulated, both in religious knowledge and in social actions. He is a great leader of Muslims and has a strong influence on scholars and other figures. #syaikhonakholil #biography of scholars #kiyai #leramahustadz #pondoklirboyo