Luce Newspaper B0696 of 19/06/1935 Description of sequences: accompanied children climb the stairs to reach the Children's House next to the Royal Montessori Teacher Training School; view of the Children's House building; some moments of the Montessori method teaching lessons in which children learn while having fun; children serve their classmates, setting the table with precision and decorum; children learn correct behavior and respect for the highway code under the orders of a miniature traffic policeman; Luce Historical Archive http://www.archivioluce.com . Istituto Luce Cinecittà: all the most beautiful images and frames of how we were, relived through the films, documentaries and videos that have made the history of our country. Follow us also on: Facebook - / lucecinecitta Twitter - / lucecinecitta Official Website - http://www.cinecittaluce.it Online Shop - http://www.cinecittashop.it Historical Archive - http://archivioluce.com