Discover the smartest way to invest, pay and save with Trade Republic. Start building wealth today and enjoy low fees, 1% Saveback on payments and 4% interest on your balance up to €50,000. Want to know more? Go to: https://lotgenotenpodcast.nl/TradeRep... Today's episode is all about building wealth and investing, with none other than Erik Mauritz, an investment expert with more than 20 years of experience and Senior Advisor at Trade Republic. In the episode, we delve deeper into questions such as: How can you build wealth through investing? What is a share and why should you invest? What is Erik Mauritz's investment strategy? Should you be worried about the current economic situation? Whether you are a novice investor or already have some experience, this podcast offers valuable insights and practical tips to help you build your wealth and achieve your financial goals. So grab your notebook and pay attention to the useful and immediately executable tip that Erik gives you during the episode. Enjoy watching and listening! SUBSCRIBE FOR FREE (ONLY FOR FELLOW SUFFERERS ????) → https://lotgenotenpodcast.nl/abonneerYT JOIN THE FELLOW SUFFERING COMMUNITY: https://lotgenotenpodcast.nl/community PREFER TO LISTEN? THAT'S ALSO POSSIBLE! APPLE PODCAST: https://lotgenotenpodcast.nl/apple SPOTIFY: https://lotgenotenpodcast.nl/spotify Check out our SOCIALS here ???? INSTAGRAM: https://lotgenotenpodcast.nl/IG TIKTOK: https://lotgenotenpodcast.nl/tiktok #lotgenotenpodcast Chapters 00:00:00 Intro 00:00:53 How exactly did shares come into being? 00:15:58 Should Westerners start worrying about the economy according to Erik Mauritz? 00:32:51 What is a share really worth according to Erik Mauritz? 00:37:12 How did Erik Mauritz start investing in stocks? 00:51:27 How often should you invest according to Erik Mauritz? 00:54:17 What is Erik Mauritz's investment strategy? 01:24:13 What is the Trade Republic card? 01:29:46 What will Trade Republic do with €1,000,000 in investments? Episode: 1#TradeRepublic