Watch live broadcasts of worship services on the website adventru.org or right here on our YouTube page every Saturday at 12:30 AM CDT Support the ministry: https://bit.ly/3FxE0YD Tithes and offerings: https://adventistgiving.org/#/org/ANF... Our website: https://www.adventru.org/ Facebook: / hopechurchsda Instagram: / hope_russian_church YouTube: / @hopechurchsda We are a very friendly family, and most of all we want to tell everyone about the love of Jesus Christ. If you are interested in the topic of God, if you are interested in studying the Bible, then you have come to the right place. Write to us, call, or just come to our church every Saturday at 10 am. We will be very glad to see you! Our address: 1605 Vernon Ave, Park Ridge, IL 60068 Contact email: [email protected] Tags: Hope, Bible, Faith, Gospel, Jesus, Christianity, Salvation, God, Hope, Love, Religion, Sermons, Christian church, Protestant church, Baptist church, Evangelical church, Holy Spirit, Grace, Christ.