We saw them coming from afar: they granted injunctions against judicial reform while they were on an all-paid strike, they freed every criminal who asked for it, they went to ask for help from the State Department, from Junior Tóxico, from the Inter-American Human Rights Institute, from Harvard, they demanded that Congress not discuss, they threatened to remove and imprison the President, they said they were victims of police repression that did not exist. And, in the end, Minister Alcántara Carrancá said it: “I am the Constitution.” He didn’t say it in those words but he used 123 thousand to tell us just that. But let’s go step by step. Visit https://www.sinembargo.mx Facebook: / sinembargomx Telegram: https://t.me/sinembargomx Twitter: / sinembargomx Instagram: / sinembargomx TikTok: / sinembargomx