[Archive] / 1876848516 *Twitch archives will be deleted after 2 months *Please excuse any mishearing (especially in foreign languages) [Table of Contents] 00:00 Random pick? 00:27 I tilted it so I'm buying it02:39 This is what happens when you get serious03:04 I'm being attacked by a cabbage demon04:15 Neth didn't get the operation04:30 I'll do the curtains05:01 Why me!!05:28 It's Uber Eats07:02 It's been a long time since I've been a judge party07:13 It's decided07:34 RIPablo is nowhere to be found08:00 ED popogachi san【Twitter】 / popog_c oitaN san【Twitter】 / oitan_vl hNt san【Twitter】 / hnt_valo 【YouTube】 / @ignishnt Teddyy san【Twitter】 / teddyy_valo ~neth san~ 【Twitter】 / neth_vz 【YouTube】 / @neth 【Twitch】 / neth3 【Mildom】 https://www.mildom.com/11848417 【Twitch】 / neth3 【Instagram】 / neth_vz ~This channel~ 【Twitter】 / ha_iizo