I took Seu Genesio to meet Seu Jiló My name is Angelo Santos on the Angelo Portugues VemComigo Channel, and on this channel I dedicate myself to showing the simple life focusing on stories, rural activities. Come with me so I can show you how all this is pleasurable and rewarding. Beautiful places in the countryside, interviews with elderly people and other people who live on the farm, in the countryside, in the rural area. I help people in need through the channel, I show animals, flowers, customs, the day to day life of the man in the countryside. God be praised and come with me #angeloportuguescomewithme #situation #success #entertainment #minasgerais #JILOLET'S HELP #genesio #familyfarming #countryside #coffee #food #sun #ranch #agro #agriculture #agronomy #the #countryside #agribusiness #farm #the #agriculture #farm #livestock #agriculture #countrylife #animal science #brazil #country #rural #veterinary #backlands #soybean #ro #ria #nelore #farming #cowgirl #rodeo #cowboy #countryside #countrylife #bhfyp #cheesebread #creambiscuit #freshcheese #canastracheese #ruraltourism #agroindustry #agronomyfor #farmsale #minasgerais #situationforsale #tourism #agronomy #animal science #freerange #freerangechicken #veterinary #countrylife #cowboy #mangalargamarchador #dirtroad #cattlewoman #oxcart #farmhouse #daybydayonthefarm #fishing #meatnaked #farm #dairycow #agribusiness #makinglunch #farmer #farming #pasture #hectare #plantation #maize #harvest #vegetation #abandonedfarm #preserved #agribusiness #farmforsale #landforsale #cheese #brushed #environmentalpreservation #fishing #daybydayonthefarm #harvestingcorn #sugarcane #Spoon #crop #vintage #herd #cattle #dairycattle #mineiroway #barbecue #garden #countrygarden #ricardopadua #chicoabelha #sertaomamueiro #andersonunes Music