This solstice or Yule festival was once celebrated for twelve days. These were the rough or smoke nights, during which the farm, house and stable were smoked out with spicy herbs. And since the gods and ancestors are so close at Yule time, it was also a good opportunity to ask them for advice and consult oracles. The spirits of the dead were also fed and invited to join in the celebration. After the twelve holy nights, the three goddesses came by - even in the Middle Ages they were known as the three Bethen: Ambeth, Wilbeth, Worbeth - and blessed each house for the coming year, before the strong, golden-bristled boar of the kind Freyr pushed the wheel of the year again with his power. (The Yule boar lives on in the form of the lucky pig made of marzipan that we give away for New Year's Eve.) ► My lecture on the Raunächte: https://www.storl.de/shop/shop/filme-... ► The book on the subject: https://www.storl.de/shop/meine-buech... ► Visit me at www.storl.de facebook.com/storl instagram.com/wdstorl Production: storlmedia.de