In this documentary, BBC News Brasil interviews some of the great names in the history of capoeira and people responsible for the internationalization of the sport, such as masters João Grande, Jelon Vieira, Lua Rasta and musicologist Emília Biancardi. They were part of Viva Bahia, a group founded by Biancardi that, from the 1970s onwards, began touring the world with capoeira performances and Bahian cultural practices. Their travels laid the foundations for capoeira to develop on all continents and become one of the symbols of Brazil abroad. But its international success did not translate into appreciation within the country: to this day, many renowned masters choose to live abroad, where they say they are more recognized than here. Check out the documentary by João Fellet and Felix Lima. Did you like it? Subscribe to the BBC News Brasil channel! And if you want to read more news, click here: https://www.bbcbrasil.com #bbcnewsbrasil #noticias #capoeira #documentario #bahia #brasil