Already checked? You can find even more exciting videos in the Checker World of the ARD media library: https://1.ard.de/checkerwelt. ???? Martin Luther lived over 500 years ago in the late Middle Ages and changed the world forever. He founded the Protestant Church, which today has around 22 million believers in Germany. Without Luther, this church would not exist - that's why he is called the great reformer. Tobi slips into the role of Luther and finds out what exactly he criticized about the church and what consequences his criticism had. Tobi also discovers why Luther had to live in hiding in a castle for a year and what life was really like back then. The comments are deactivated to protect minors. You are welcome to email questions or comments to [email protected]. ???? Checker Tobi is also available to listen to. The CheckPod in the ARD audio library: Checkpod at: https://www.ardaudiothek.de/rubrik/fu...