In this video we show you how to install the 60906 decoder in a Märklin locomotive. This decoder is for converting Märklin locomotives with drum or disc collector field coil motors, i.e. the motor must not have a permanent magnet built in for the field magnet. The decoder is installed as a replacement for the mechanical travel direction switch decoder C80 (6080) or Delta decoder. ▪ Märklin Decoder 60906: https://www.maerklin.de/produkte/60906 ▪ You can find more helpful videos at: https://www.maerklin.de/erklaervideos/ ▪ You can find more information about digitization at: https://www.maerklin.de/de/produkte/n... _______________ Social Media / maerklin / maerklin Märklin Shop https://www.maerklinshop.de Märklin Newsletter https://www.maerklin.de/newsletter Märklin Magazine https://www.maerklin.de/magazin Märklin Club https://www.maerklin.de/club Brand World https://www.maerklin.de https://www.trix.de https://www.lgb.de