The Walking Man in History, which offers a different perspective on history with the history of places and the origins of sayings frequently used in daily life, embarked on a historical journey in this episode of Yedikule Dungeons. The Walking Man in History, which makes history beloved and intriguing, brings together the historical structures and stories that have managed to survive from the past to the present with the audience. The history of places, the origins of sayings frequently used in daily life and a different perspective on history on Ülke TV… Ahmet Anapalı sometimes brings to the screen places that have the distinction of being the first with their architectural structures, and sometimes famous flavors that have become so famous that they have surpassed the city. Inspired by the words of Abdulbaki Gölpınarlı, who said, “Tarihte Yürüyen Adam” tells about yesterday, shows today and sheds light on the route of tomorrow. Historical mosques, caravanserais, the unknown stories of Mesopotamian and Anatolian cities where many civilizations lived, as well as the most famous flavors of the region, are on Ülke TV every Saturday with the Walking Man in History… #ÜlkeTV To follow Ülke TV on social media; Twitter: / ulketv Instagram: / ulketv Facebook: / ulketv