Engin, a famous surgeon, lives a happy life with his wife Rüya. However, their lives turn into a nightmare when they are attacked. Engin, who is attacked with Rüya, cannot save his wife no matter how hard he tries. Rüya's death in Engin's arms, covered in blood, causes a great trauma in Engin. After this painful event, Engin starts to feel like he is bleeding. Being unable to practice his profession and gradually losing all his friends causes Engin to fall into depression. Engin, who has withdrawn into seclusion, no longer has any expectations from life. However, meeting a woman named Süreyya causes everything to change. Engin and Süreyya, who are both stubborn, start to become close as they spend time together. However, after a while, Engin is forced to face his biggest fear. To watch all the movies →http://showtv.tv/YrgFZe #ResmidekiSevgili #SarpLevendoğlu #SezinAkbaşoğulları