The Apache Long Revenge - Red Warrior Western Full Movie in Italian Director: Jack Starrett Screenplay: Sean MacGregor, Harold Roberts Cast: Jody McCrea, Marie Gahva, Dan Kemp (1970) Young Peter Picktalin is hired as a guide by an expedition of four gold prospectors. During the journey, the group comes across the camp of an Indian family, whose leader is in possession of some gold nuggets. After having tried in vain to extort information about the location of the deposit, the four men kill him and his family, sparing only a young woman who they take with them in the hope that she can guide them to finding the gold... Western and Peplum is a free channel of Minerva Pictures! Subscribe to the #YouTube channel: https://bit.ly/WesternPeplum and activate notifications to not miss the programming. Western and Peplum: two genres that contributed to the period of maximum splendor of Italian cinema! Adventures, heroes, duels, atmospheres, on Western and Peplum you will find characters from the past that have made entire generations dream! Western and Peplum is also available in Italy on: - Samsung TV Plus on channel 4975 - LG Channels on channel 272 - Chili Enjoy watching on Western and Peplum, the channel where gunslingers meet mythological heroes! #fullfilm #western #peplum #free #stream #streaming #online #filmandclips #cinema #cinematic #west #cowboys #italian #film