The Lion and the Mouse is a timeless tale that emphasizes the value of kindness and the importance of even the smallest acts of kindness. The story begins when a mighty lion accidentally stumbles upon a small mouse while taking a nap in the forest. The surprised lion catches the mouse and plans to make a meal of it. However, the mouse begs for its life, promising to repay the lion one day. Amused by the idea of such a small creature helping him, the lion spares the mouse and shows unexpected mercy by releasing it. The lion then finds himself trapped in a hunter’s net, roaring desperately to escape. Hearing the lion’s screams, the mouse rushes to the scene and gnaws at the ropes to free the lion. The once mighty hunter is humbled by the little creature’s courage and determination. The story teaches a powerful lesson: No act of kindness is ever wasted, and even the smallest among us can make a big difference. It reminds us that friendships and help can come from the most unexpected places. Visit our website http://www.uspdigital.co/ for more Children's Nursery Rhymes & Kids Videos ============================================== Music and Lyrics: Copyright USP Digital™ Video: Copyright USP Digital™ == ... #AslanAndMouse,#song,#childrensongs,#turkish,#cartoon,#preschool,#Learningvideo,#funvideos,#animation,#baby,#educationalpoem,#education,#turkishpoems,#PopularVideos,#songsforbabies,#fairytales,#stories,#nursery rhymes,#AnimatedVideo,#educationalpoem,#cartoons,#LittleTreehouse,