Ümit Özdağ's legendary speech at the magnificent congress of the Zafer Party You can follow @Zafer Party Chairman Ümit Özdağ's live broadcasts, press releases, TV broadcasts and all his other works by subscribing to his Youtube page. Click the link ► https://wedia.link/UmitOzdagYouTube and subscribe to be instantly informed about my statements, TV programs, press conferences and the policies I put forward to protect the interests of the Turkish Nation! Click the link ► https://wedia.link/UmitOzdagdanTurkMi... to watch the Videos of Ümit Özdağ Addressing the Turkish Nation. Click the link ► https://wedia.link/BasinAciklamalari to watch the Press Statements. Click the link ► https://wedia.link/TVPROGRAMS. Prof. Dr. Ümit Özdağ is a professor of Political Science and politician. He started his high school education at TED Ankara College and completed it at Ankara Aktepe High School. He completed his higher education at the Ludwig Maximilians University in the faculties of political science and philosophy and started working at Gazi University; he earned the titles of doctor, associate professor and professor. He gave lectures at many universities in Turkey and abroad, conducted field research, participated in conferences and presented papers. He was elected as an MHP deputy from Gaziantep in the June 2015 and November 2015 elections. He was nominated as a candidate from the İYİ Party in the June 2018 elections and was elected as an MP for Istanbul. On August 30, 2021, he founded the Zafer Party, which has the philosophy of Turkish Nationalism in line with Atatürk, the only party that will return Turkey to its founding settings. He is currently the Chairman of the Zafer Party. Özdağ is the father of a child named Alp. He speaks German and English fluently. #ZaferParty #ÜmitÖzdağ #TürkiyeninZaferi