Part 2 → • [The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild] Can Marisa do ○○ in just a shirt? Part 2 [Yu... [Notation regarding guidelines and terms of use] This video is a derivative work of Touhou Project. Please refer to the following URL for the guidelines regarding derivative works of Touhou Project. https://touhou-project.news/guideline/ [Game titles that I have commented on] The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild [Introduction of material providing sites that we are grateful to] Maoudamashii https://maou.audio/ Sound Effect Lab https://soundeffect-lab.info/ Sound Effect Dictionary https://sounddictionary.info/ DOVA-SYNDROME https://dova-s.jp/ Irasutoya https://www.irasutoya.com/ Illustration AC https://www.ac-illust.com/