Hello friends of the Lollita Garcez channel, welcome to another story. We are starting a new series of stories. Afro Legends. Share, like, subscribe, comment, and activate the notification bell. About: Logunedé, is a hunter and warrior orisha from the city of Edé, Nigeria. In Brazil, it is the orixá that is most prejudiced and lacks information in relation to other orixás. Contrary to what many think, Logunedé is an adult, male, warrior and hunter orixá. Wikipedia Syncretism: Santo Expedito and São Miguel Arcanjo Adoptive parents: Oiá and Ogum Symbols: ofá, the hunting spear, machete and the ogue Biological parents: Oxum Ipondá and Erinlé Source of information ???? https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki /Logged...