The true law of attraction is based on the workings of the world of thoughts, which exists in the form of electromagnetic waves that surround us. If you do not understand how the law of attraction works, you will unwittingly attract bad luck into your life without knowing it. This article reveals the mechanism behind the law of attraction and guides you on how to use it to change your life. Main sections: Thoughts and the mechanism of the law of attraction 1. Thoughts remain in the subconscious 2. Thoughts exist in the aura 3. Thoughts are released into the environment Applying the law of attraction to avoid bad luck 1. Always be in a positive state 2. Do not overthink your fears Applying the law of attraction to develop yourself 1. Think correctly 2. Be with the person you want to become 3. Reprogram the subconscious 4. Applying the law of attraction to get rich Applying the law of attraction to manipulate others Misunderstandings about the law of attraction 1. What you think is what you get 2. Same frequency attracts each other 3. The law of attraction violates the law of cause and effect Read here: https://toitinhthuc.com/luat-hap-dan/ #luanxa #thien #giacngo #chualanh #tinhthuc #thuctinh #thuctinhtamlinh #tuhanh