Our video where we explain the driving exam evaluation form and error codes in the driving exam is online! We definitely recommend that all candidates who will take the driving exam watch it. • Driving Exam Evaluation Form... The most up-to-date driving exam example in the 2020 Current Curriculum. What are the points you need to pay attention to in the driving exam? What should be done to pass the driving exam, what should be paid attention to? What are the blue, yellow and red error codes in the driving exam? We would like to thank Fatma teacher for her valuable explanation. Contact Number for Private Lessons: 0549 359 1019 (Yıldız Teacher) Driving School, Educational videos about traffic rules, Useful videos that will be useful for you while driving, Informative videos that will be useful for you in traffic, Information about the driving license exam, Information about the driving exam, Driving school lessons, Driving license lessons, And much more.