Today I had my last visit to the fertility clinic and was given the first ultrasound picture of the twins :) DON'T MISS THIS VIDEO! https://goo.gl/HVFLvQ SUBSCRIBE NOW FOR FREE: / saskiasbeautyblog MY NECKLACE https://www.mainpunkt.com (discount code Saskia 2017) MY PILLOW COLLECTION https://www.purevelvet.at/looks/kisse... ___ MORE VIDEOS HERE ********************* FLODDER IN EVERYDAY LIFE • Flodder in everyday life - I actually walk... DM LIVE HAUL • DM LIVE SHOPPING HAUL - way too much... FLEA MARKET VLOG • FINALLY CLEANED OUT! I'm selling on... IKEA LIVE HAUL • IKEA LIVE SHOPPING HAUL directly from Ik... THERMOMIX FMA • HELP!! Milan cooks for us and I s... TIPS FOR LAZY PEOPLE • The BEST tips for lazy people!!! HACKS... TO THE PLAYGROUND WITH MAKEUP? • With waterproof makeup for water play... TOO MUCH SHOPPING IN THE DRUGSTORE • Please tell me you felt the same way... DRUGSTORE MUST-HAVES • DRUGSTORE MUST-HAVES - products that... EXTREME MAKEOVER EXCHANGE PACK • Huge change!!! This is how I would... MILAN'S 2ND BIRTHDAY • MILAN'S 2ND BIRTHDAY - who had more... WE WERE BROKEN IN • HOLIDAY ENDS IN A NIGHTMARE! We were... A DREAM COMES TRUE • I CAN FINALLY TELL YOU ABOUT IT!!! ... SOMEONE DESTROYED OUR GARDEN • But that's not how I imagined it... HOLIDAY IN DUBAI • SOOOOOO BEAUTIFUL - holiday with the whole... DAILY FAMILY LIFE • The BEST everyday life in the world - so enjoy... MY CLEANING ROUTINE • CLEANING ROUTINE The daily madness in... MORNING ROUTINE • THIS IS HOW WE START THE DAY - morning rou... PACKING CHAOS • HOLIDAY?? Pure stress beforehand!! - what p... EVERYDAY HAUL • CRAZY MIX! The things you... FOLLOW ME ON ******************** FACEBOOK : https://www.facebook.com/pages/Saskia... INSTAGRAM: / saskiasbeautyblog SNAPCHAT: xxx-saskia TWITTER : / sbeautyblog