A book variety show organized by the First Comedian Literature Club, led by Matayoshi Naoki. Six book-loving comedians gather together and use the speaking skills they have honed on stage to present their "favorite books" that they would like to recommend to others. Professional editors act as judges and decide which book they most want to read. #1: • [Do you like books?] The First Comedian Literature Club ~ My Favourite Book. #1 #Matayoshi Naoki #2: • [You'll want to read it too] The First Comedian Literature Club ~ My Favourite Book. #2 #Furukawa Hide... #3: • [The last page] The First Comedian Literature Club ~ My Favourite Book. #3 #Tsutsui Yasutaka #Takasa Kazuji... YouTube exclusive special edition: • [YouTube exclusive] "I'm a huge book lover" He talks about his uncontrollable love of books... Introduced works: Introducing Piston Jam: Furukawa Hideo, "The Races of the Arabian Nights" Introducing Prime Minister Akamine: Suzuki Geronimo, "A Spectacular View on a Clear Day" Introducing Tony Frank: Nishi Kanako, "The Stage" Introducing Murakami Takeshi: Ito Kon, "A Morning That Feels Like It" Introducing Kawasaki Bike: Takasa Kazuji (The Geese), "The Other Side of Sadness" Introducing Fabian: Tsutsui Yasutaka, "Curtain Call"