For the content see Wikipedia: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Der_letzte_A...) Unfortunately, almost a minute is missing at the beginning (opening credits, short scene of shelling), it is a TV recording from 1995 (50 years since the end of the war). Unfortunately, this film is broadcast far too rarely. From minute 10:10 to about 12:00 is the scene in which Adolf Hitler's (immediate) future is predicted. The astrologer is played by Ernst Waldbrunn, who later became famous in a duo with Karl Farkas ("Doppelconférencen"). I do not know why this scene is not included in the purchased version. In any case, this film is a contemporary document, if only because it is the first film adaptation about the subject of Adolf Hitler himself. It is also the first about the last days in the "Führerbunker", it was followed by two English-language productions, and not least "Downfall" from 2004. Bruno Ganz had seen "The Last Act". “Downfall” is of course a much more elaborate production, but for me the 1954 film version is no less successful. If the posting of this film violates copyright, which is not the intention, it will be deleted upon request.