#sopadepata #patechucho #elsalvador The biggest soup of legs in El Salvador in El Paraiso Chalatenango El pata de chucho You can download the song of the pata de chucho in the following link: / el-patechucho-by-la-tropa-dizkovery Subscribe to the channel of the discovery troop: / @latropadizkovery Tel. and WhatApp Active 01150371168220 Jason Galvez You can download the song of the pata de chucho in the following link: / el-patechucho-by-la-tropa-dizkovery Subscribe to the channel of the discovery troop: / @latropadizkovery For Salvadorans the term patechucho is very well known and awarded to people who normally go from one place to another constantly and outside of what would be their home, or to generalize they spend time on the street, in this case it would be traveling. patechucho Jason Galvez founder of #youtuberosalvadoreño.