Organic Law 5/1995, of May 22, on the Jury Court (LOTJ), develops the constitutional mandate contained in art. 125 of the Constitution, which provides that citizens may participate in the Administration of Justice through the institution of the Jury in the manner and with respect to those criminal proceedings that the law determines. Art. 1 of the LOTJ establishes that the Jury Court has jurisdiction to prosecute the crimes attributed to it by law, relating to: -Crimes against persons. -Crimes committed by public officials in the exercise of their duties. -Crimes against honor. -Crimes against freedom and security. In art. 1.2 It is established that the Jury Court shall be competent to hear and decide cases for crimes classified in the following provisions of the Penal Code: -Homicide -Threats -Failure to provide assistance -Breach of residence -Infidelity in the custody of documents -Bribery -Influence peddling -Misappropriation of public funds -Fraud and illegal exactions -Negotiations prohibited to public officials -Infidelity in the custody of prisoners Let us look at its content.