We wish nothing more that no one should experience this trip to Europe. During pandemic times, it was extra stressful. Hope it's at least an entertaining film about what happened to us. _____________ABOUT US_______________ Hello! Our names are Sara and Tommy, and our dog's name is Zorro. We have been living in a mobile home since 2018, but from 2023 we are now living in a house in Fuengirola, Spain! We hope you appreciate how we share our life, and that we can give some inspiration to a life like this, or just some simple entertainment. You can also follow us on Instagram if you want: @ourbackyardeurope And read a little about things we've learned in our life with a motorhome: https://ourbackyardeurope.com Then we've also got a shop with some stuff with our logo on it : https://ourbackyardeurope.myspreadsho... Thanks for watching and we're so glad you're following our adventure! #motorhome life #spain #corona