More than 13 million people over the age of 50 work in Brazil. Despite their qualifications and experience, they face significant difficulties in entering or re-entering the job market. How and what are the public policies that can promote the inclusion and appreciation of these workers? How to deal with corporate environments that do not value generational diversity? And more: is this age group looking for knowledge and updates? Opinião Minas starts now #OpiniãoMinas #RedeMinas #mercadodetrabalho ------------------------------------------ See more from Opinião Minas Website - http://redeminas.tv/opiniaominas Facebook - / opiniaominas YouTube - / opiniaominastv Instagram - / opiniaominas See more from Rede Minas Website - http://redeminas.tv Facebook - / redeminas.tv Twitter - / redeminas Instagram - / redeminastv YouTube - / redeminas Opinião Minas is an interview program that analyzes everyday facts with a critical and in-depth view. It covers topics such as health, psychology, education and citizenship.