Today we will talk about a Japan that is not talked about at all. And which is not at all like the bright, bustling Tokyo. How Japan turned from a country with the most expensive real estate in the world into a country of empty houses. We will walk through the ghetto in Tokyo - even the Japanese themselves are embarrassed and afraid to come to this area. And mentions of it have been crossed out of all city directories. We will get to the legendary battleship island that keeps secrets about the Japanese horrors of the past. And we will walk through the city of the last nuclear bombing in the world - Nagasaki. And we will talk to a survivor. And, of course, we will not forget how beautiful this country is - outside the big cities. There is a lot to see here. It will be a completely different Japan. Podcast about Japan ???? • Mysterious Japan. Unspoken rules,... The first episode about Japan ???? • Japan - anime, schoolgirl cult, s... Episode from Kamchatka ???? • Kamchatka - life and death on a volcano,... About Yakuza ???? • Japan / Yakuza - truth and myths / How... Dima Shamov's channel ???? / @shamovdmitry Alexander-san Raevsky's channel ???? / @36kirin My channel in Telegram: https://t.me/pognaliofficial VK group: https://vk.com/pognaliofficial Donate for the trip: https://www.donationalerts.com/r/pogn... https://boosty.to/staspognali #japan #let's go #natanzon #otherjapan