What do you know about Operation Rimon 20, the Israeli ambush that shot down 5 camouflaged Soviet Mig-21s? If you're interested in finding out, don't miss this video! -------------------------------------------- Do you want to know about other lethal air ambushes? Here you have them! 👇 📌The UK AMBUSH to DESTROY ISIS CAVES │Operation 'Shader' • The UK AMBUSH to DESTROY ISIS... 📌The AMBUSH that ELIMINATED the Mexican leader of the Tepic Cartel Operation Barcina • The AMBUSH that ELIMINATED the Mexican lea... -------------------------------------------- Follow us on our social networks! 👉Instagram: / aviacionmilitar.am 👉Tik Tok: / aviacionmilitar.am 👉Facebook: / aviacionmilitar.am -------------------------------------------- #OPERACIONRIMON20 #UNIONSOVIETICA #GUERRADELDESGASTE