It is a dizzying to-do list that the island farmers from the Martinen farm on Amrum have set themselves within a year. A former holiday guesthouse is to be converted into a home for islanders, for which 140 hectares of arable land must be cultivated and harvested. A new stable for 20 fattening pigs is to be built, the animals must be brought to the island, and 120 fattening bulls must be cared for. And they have to drive to the slaughterhouse on the mainland. All of that in 365 days? _________________________________________________ The farm stories on ndr.de https://www.ndr.de/fernsehen/sendunge... The Nordstory https://www.ndr.de/dienordstory _________________________________________________ Our guidelines for comments: https://www.ndr.de/service/technische... #ndr #ndraufmland #dienordstory