The Inquisition! The name already stands for torture, execution and arbitrariness. But what do we actually know about the Inquisition? I have already covered a very related topic, the witch hunt, in these videos: • The witch hunt: Part I - Witch hunt... • Witch hunt II - Persecution practice... You can find MDVAL's clothing here: https://mdval.de/ Everything else about Geschichtsfenster can be found on my new homepage: www.geschichtsfenster.de All my other channels such as Facebook, Twitch, Discord, Pinterest, etc. But also my revised merch shop and lots of galleries with image sources and event pictures. The painting competition is also still running. You can find everything about it here: https://geschichtsfenster.de/bemalwet... And if you haven't seen Build the Castle yet: • Who can beat the Minecraft builder?... / 2067551519