Did you know that the succession of the world's great empires, including the existence of the European Union, was predicted 2,500 years ago? In this series - Apocalyptic Prophecies - we aim to discover the most important prophecies in the Bible. APOCALYPSE STUDY COURSE: http://solascriptura.ro/cursuri/spiri... If you have any questions and want to talk to us, CALL 0741 059 059 - normal rate number or write to us at [email protected]. Subscribe HERE: / @hopediscoveryromania #Daniel2 # Apocalyptic Prophecies #EuropeanUnion DOCUMENTARY (by Prof. Florin Lăiu) Chapter 2 of the book of Daniel presents an apocalyptic dream that anticipates the prophecies in chapters 7-12. It forms the very pattern according to which the other prophetic visions are explained, which is why it has been nicknamed the "ABC of apocalyptic prophecy". The statue represents the “dream” of all despots: a universal empire of ecumenical totalitarianism. The history of empires begins with Babylon, because ancient Babylon (Babel) is considered in the Bible the most important city of the “nations”, an ecumenical capital of false religion, the first city built in our world, a symbol of rebellion against God’s plan, of the Luciferian despotism initiated by Nimrod in the midst of the confusion of languages. Then, because Nebuchadnezzar conquers Jerusalem and subjugates the Davidic dynasty that was to lead an empire of justice culminating in the reign of the Messiah. The diabolical spirit of independence and hostility towards the Creator produced a similar project, that of dominating the world through falsehood and coercion. In a certain sense, all subsequent kingdoms are heirs of Babylon, of the city of Babel, which claims to be the "Gate of God" (In the Babylonian language, Bab-ilu means the Gate of the Gods), in reality the capital of misunderstanding and confusion. It is no coincidence that in the Apocalypse, Rome will symbolically receive the name Babylon. Therefore, the head is Babylon, the feet are also Babylon. The mixture of iron and clay justifies this symbolic name, without further comment. Of the four successive kingdoms, the Greek and Roman empires had the greatest impact on our culture. The Greek empire, which we are told would rule "the whole world", managed to last for centuries, shaping European thinking according to the benchmarks of the Hellenistic world-view, achieving "ecumenism". (The Greek Oikoumene translates as "inhabited world"; it is synonymous with "universality", having application in the geographical, political and religious fields.) Greek philosophy, through its materialist and mythological foundation, positions itself at the antipode of Hebrew philosophy and morality. Current neo-Marxism strives, among other things, to substitute biblical morality with the Greco-Roman one that professes LGBT and the primacy of the collective "good", human rights. For its part, the Roman empire comes to add to the Greek ideology the coercive political power that proposed the unification of the world also from a pragmatic, physical aspect. Antagonistic to the "Kingdom of God", based on love and free will, the Roman empire endures in all totalitarian episodes, stained with blood and dictatorship. It crushes, under the tracks of "superior values" and political correctness, the rights of the individual. Although the metals of the image in Nebuchadnezzar's dream represent successive world powers, they are not described as being destroyed one by one. It is not the head that falls, then the chest, and so on, but all are destroyed and shattered together, under the impact of the Messianic Stone. Which means that, in a certain sense, they still live in our civilization today, although we have reached the age of clay and rusty iron. The impossible marriage of clay and iron reveals the unnatural association of civil and ecclesiastical power. Through this symbolic combination, Revelation shows us the cardinal sin of the historical Church and all her medieval and contemporary daughters, a sin that in the Apocalypse is equated with prostitution. The Church of God was not born to establish a new world order in the world imposed by laws and aided by power. Any pagan or so-called Christian order with claims to worldly government can only be Babylon. Because, if Babylon is the name of the head of gold, what more appropriate spiritual name could be found for a clay Christianity, combined with iron paganism, to realize the kingdom of God on earth? The stone dislocated from the mountain and, rolling, the return of Jesus Christ to establish his Kingdom, shatters the idol statue and itself becomes a mountain that fills the earth. It represents the very dream of every man, hungry for love and justice. PRESENTER Lucian Cristescu PRODUCER Hope Discovery GRAPHICS/VISUAL EFFECTS/COMPOSITION Andrei Badulescu ; Dragomir Moraru / AVAMUV ILLUSTRATOR Teodora Bicescu TEXT Lucian Cristescu DIRECTOR Attila Peli COPYRIGHT SPERANTA TV 2021