What does Uruguay have to do to become a developed country? For economist Ignacio Munyo, executive director of the Center for Studies of Economic and Social Reality (CERES), our country “already knows the way.” The key, he says, is to take as a reference the conditions that have made some of the most thriving sectors of the economy grow. In his last conference, entitled “The optimistic Uruguay, lessons to advance development,” Munyo mentioned two success stories that mark the path that our country must follow. One is the forestry sector, where Uruguay has a performance similar to that of Finland, a leader in this area. And the other is software, where Uruguay has already surpassed countries with high levels of human development such as Denmark. We focused on this last area. What have been the keys to success for ICT? How does this case serve as an example for other sectors of the economy? We discussed them in En Perspectiva with Miguel Brechner, electronic engineer, former president of the Ceibal Plan and currently adviser to ICT companies in Uruguay and abroad. Virginia García Morales, systems analyst, commercial consultant and Product Manager at Arnaldo C. Castro; Ignacio Munyo, economist and Executive Director of CERES; and Leonardo Loureiro, systems engineer, CEO of Quanam United States and Vice President of Training of the Uruguayan Chamber of Information Technology. Become a member of this channel to enjoy benefits: https://www.youtube.com/EnPerspectiva... EN PERSPECTIVA is broadcast live from Monday to Friday, from 7:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. on Radiomundo 1170 AM in Montevideo (Uruguay) and its digital platforms. In addition, the program is broadcast live in HD video on the web: https://www.enperspectiva.uy